Click on the links on the left to access information.
-Any questions, comments, or concerns please call the main office at (201) 568-4770.
-Important communications will be sent via Connect-Ed to your number at home, office, cell or via e-mail. Keep all these current with the school office.
-The most efficient way to contact your child’s teacher is through e-mail:
teacher’s first initial and l[email protected].
Please use the contact us tab to email your child's teacher
-Visit the District Web Site for updates, forms, current calendar of events, links, etc.
Morning Drop-Off
-Students from grades K-8 receive courtesy bussing to and from school who live 2 or more miles from their attending school.
-You should have received your child’s bus route and pick-up location via Connect-Ed
-You may choose to use the bus service or drop-off and pick up your child at school.
-If you drop off your child at school, please be aware that students should be dropped off between 8:20 and 8:30 by the front entrance.
-Pre-K students will enter by the side door.
-When dropping off your child do not pass another car while in the school circle.
-Have your child exit the car on the sidewalk / passenger side.
-Cars should not enter the circle while the buses are there.
-Please do not make u-turns in front of the school.
-Cross your child only at the marked crosswalks.
-A tardy student should be accompanied to the office and checked in by a parent.
-A tardy student is a student who arrives to school after the front door is locked.
-Dismissal begins at 2:30 for Pre-K and Kindergarten. Buses will depart by 2:45.
-Students being picked up will be dismissed at the side door. Please meet your child there.
-Park your car on the street, not in the school lot.
-If your child takes the bus home, someone must be at the bus stop to meet each child or the child will be taken to UpperSchool.
-Dismissal instructions for each child must be communicated in writing to the current teacher at the beginning of each school year otherwise the child will be put on the bus assigned.
-Any changes in dismissal procedures for your child should be made in writing to the child’s teacher on the day the change is to take place.
-Bus assignments cannot be changed to accommodate play dates. Changes in bus assignments for emergency reasons will be considered.
Lunch and Snacks
-Please pack a healthy snack for your child every day. Soda and candy are not permitted.
-If you pack a lunch for your child, please be aware that we cannot heat it up.
-PTA will sell pizza and ice cream once a week. Pizza and ice cream must be pre-ordered and pre-paid for the year.
Current Prices for 22-23 school year: 1 slice: $110 for the year, 2 slices : $220 for the year, Ice cream: $85 for the year. Online payments will be accepted through the PTA website for the provided link below:
-The PTA will contract with a private lunch provider for our schools. You will receive information about this program at the beginning of the school year from the PTA. The hot lunch program will begin the on September 14th.
Precautionary Items
-All visitors must stop by the office, sign in, receive a visitor’s pass, and be announced to the teacher.
-If you wish to speak with your child’s teacher please use e-mail to schedule an appointment or leave a message with
Ms. Arrieta. Please do not request to see a teacher without an appointment. No matter how brief you think the meeting will be, it can disrupt instructional time.
-Keep your telephone contacts current. Include cell numbers, business numbers, and emergency numbers.
-If going out of town, please inform the office as to who will be in charge of your child.
-When visiting the school, please park only along the east side of Floyd Street, across from the school. The police will ticket your car if parked along the school side.